40 Years of Computing at Newcastle

Department Technical Report Series No. 471

Pre-Processing in SADE: Stage III

L. Rapanotti
G.M. Megson

University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1994


This report is part of a series on the synthesis of regular array designs from high-level specifications in SADE (Systolic Algorithm Design Environment). In [18] we have shown how to map a specification in the form of a set of nested DO-loops in a (restricted) Pascal program to a system of Conditional Recurrence Equations and in [19] how to reduce such a system of equations to its normal form by the separation of its inputs, outputs and computations. In this report we illustrate how the data dependencies of the system can be made uniform, allowing the derivation of purely systolic array designs.

Department Technical Report Series - 1994
Department Technical Report Series Index
Contents Page - 40 Years of Computing at Newcastle
Technical Report Abstract No. 471, 27 June 1997