It's a Lovely Lab. (1987)

Words by Brian Randell, to the tune of It's a Lovely War

Oh, Oh, Oh, it's a lovely Lab,
Who wouldn't be a student here,
Even without the local beer?
The Amdahl computer has come,
We even have UNIX here too,
But we never complete
All the programming,
Our profs give us to do.

Oh, Oh, Oh, it's a lovely Lab,
What do we want with girls and pals,
When we've got scopes and terminals?
How can we prove our bugs are so few?
Oh, Oh, Oh, it's a lovely Lab.

Up to your eyes in Pascal,
Up to your waist in C,
Using the kind of language,
That makes professors flee.
Who wouldn't be a student,
That's what we all enquire.
Don't you pity
The poor professors,
Nobody else would hire?

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40th Anniversary Index
It's a Lovely Lab , 6 June 1997