40 Years of Computing at Newcastle - the RPC memo


The Design of a Remote Procedure Call Mechanism for Distributed Unix.

F. Panzieri and S.K. Shrivastava University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Computing Laboratory

August, l99l.

l. Introduction

In this SRM we describe our initial ideas on the design and implementation of a reliable Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism. We do not intend to justify here why we consider the provision of a RPC mechanism as more desirable for distributed programming than the provision of a generalised message passing system. The system we have in mind consists of a number of nodes (each running Unix) connected by the Cambridge Ring, application programs use the RPC mechanism to obtain services from remote nodes. We will begin by describing our choice for interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism which we think as suitable for implementing RPC. Our main conclusion of this work is that a very reliable and efficient RPC mechanism can be built by making use of a moderately simple IPC facility (in particular that provided by the so called Basic Block Protocol). In the design presented, we have followed the following golden rule: every level is kept as simple as possible. This has been achieved by making reliability mechanisms application-specific rather than general.

2. Software Support for RPC: Datagram versus Transport Service

The implementation of RPC requires that the underlying level supports some kind of IPC facility. On the one hand this facility could be quite sophisticated with features such as guaranteed, undamaged and unduplicated delivery of a message, flow control and end to end acknowledgement. An interface supporting such features is usually said to provide the transport service for messages. On the other hand, the IPC facility could be rather primitive, lacking most of the above desirable properties. An interface supporting such an IPC mechanism is said to provide a datagram service.

Transport services are designed in order to provide fully reliable communication between processes exchanging data (messages) over unreliable media - they are particularly suitable for packet switching networks which are liable to damage, lose or duplicate packets. The implementation of a 'transport layer' tends to be quite expensive in terms of resources needed since a significant amount of state information needs to be maintained about the data transfer in progress. The initialisation and maintenance of this state information is required to support the abstraction of a 'connection' between processes. To reliably establish, maintain and terminate a connection is rather complex and a significantly large number of messages are needed just for connection purposes. (As a matter of interest, the so called Byte Stream Protocol (BSP) software for the Cambridge Ring can be regarded as supporting a transport service.)

On the other hand, a datagram service provides the facility of the transmission of a finite size block of data (a message known as a datagram) from an origin address to a destination address. In its simplest form, the datagram service does not provide any means of flow control or end to end acknowledgements; the datagram is simply delivered on a 'best effort' basis. If any of the features of the transport service are required, then the user must implement them specifically using the datagram service.

At a superficial level, it would seem that a good way to construct a reliable RPC would be to start with a reliable message service - the transport service. However we reject this viewpoint and adopt the datagram service as the more desirable alternative. The argument for this decision goes as follows. To start with it must be remembered that in the distributed system we have in mind, the users are not given the abstraction of sending or receiving messages; rather only a very specific piece of software - that needed to implement RPC - is the sole user of messages. As such the full generality of the transport service is simply not needed. The provision of the transport service entails a reduction of at least half of the available communication bandwidth (this is because of the overheads of connection management and the need for end to end acknowledgement). We may be able to utilise this bandwidth more effectively by reducing the need for connection management and acknowledgements as much as possible. This is indeed feasible in our particular case since the underlying hardware - the Cambridge Ring - provides a very reliable means of data transmission. So, a fairly reliable datagram service (whereby every datagram is delivered with a high degree of probability to its destination address) can certainly be built on top (in reality this would be a Basic Block Protocol with minor modifications). Any additional facilities needed are then specifically implemented making the implementation of the RPC a bit more complex but highly efficient.

3. The Hardware and the Datagram Service

The Cambridge Ring hardware provides its users with the ability of transmitting and receiving packets of a fixed size - each transmitted packet is individually acknowledged. The following two primitives operations are available:

It is worth mentioning here that the transmit primitive does not have a time-out response associated with it. As a consequence, the execution of this primitive will not return if the packet is not acknowledged due to a fault in the Ring hardware.

4. RPC Mechanism

The distributed programming model we have in mind consists of a number of user processes (clients) and a number of processes providing services (servers). The interactions between them take place by means of RPC (parameters are passed by value in either direction). A client invokes the following primitive to obtain a service from a server (where the 'time-out' parameter specifies how long the client is willing to wait for a response to his request):

We believe that these responses are meaningful, simply understood and quite adequate for robust programming. We shall show next that it is possible to design RPC with the above properties based on our datagram service despite numerous fault manifestations in the distributed system (including node crashes). A skeleton program showing only the essential details of the RPC implementation is shown below; it should be self-explanatory. The following three assumptions will be made in the ensuing discussion: (i) some means exists for a receiver process to reject unwanted (i.e. spurious, duplicated) messages; the next section contains a proposal for achieving this end; (ii) node crashes amount to that station being not on line; and (iii) the work performed by a server is atomic - this means that we totally avoid the problems of handling orphans (this is a rather subtle point, remember B. Lampson's talk?). We now consider the treatment of exceptions during message handling.

remote-call(...) corresponds
to the following code:
repeat "get work"
send_msg( ); --> receive_msg(any,...)
"send service request"
until msg = valid;
"perform work"
"send result"
receive msg( ); <-- send msg( )
until msg=valid;



(a) The client sends a service request: Recall that a send msg(...) can return the response 'OK', 'absent', 'not done' or 'unable'. If the response is 'OK' the control goes to the "set time-out" statement. If the response is 'absent' then the execution of remote call(...) terminates with 'status=absent'. If the response is 'not-done' then the message is re-sent. If after a few retries the same response is obtained then the execution of remote call(...) terminates with 'status=not-done'. A few retries can also be made if the send msg(...) results in an 'unable' response. If this response still holds then the execution of remote-call(...) terminates with 'status=unable'. Note that it is all right to send a message repeatedly. The server is in a position to discard any duplicates.

(b) The client waits for a message: The client prepares to wait for a response from the server. A time-out is set to stop the client from waiting for ever; the maximum duration of the waiting is as specified in the last parameter of the remote call(...). All the unwanted messages are discarded. A client may get such messages for example as a result of the actions performed by that node before it crashed and came up again. If a valid message is received then the execution of remote call(...) terminates with 'status=OK' and 'result' containing the answer. If the time-out expires then the execution of the remote call(...) terminates with 'status=unable'. Note that 'unable' response can be obtained for several reasons: server did not receive the message, server node crashed, server's message not received because of a Ring fault, etc.

(c) Server waits for a service request: Any spurious, in particular duplicated, messages are rejected. This guarantees that despite the possibility of repeated requests being sent by a client, only one service execution will take place.

(d) Server sends the reply: If the execution of send results in 'OK' response then the server is ready for the next request - it goes to the beginning of its cycle. Note that it is not guaranteed that the client will receive the reply. If the client does not receive the reply then it might explicitly invoke backward recovery. Such problems can be adequately handled within the framework of atomic actions and two phase commit protocols. If the 'send' operation gives rise to the 'absent' response then 'unable' is signalled to the server who can take any recovery actions. If the 'send' operation gives rise to either a 'not-done' or an 'unable' response then the message can be re-sent a few times before accepting defeat by signalling 'unable' to the server.

It is essential to separate those actions of the server that are not relevant at the 'RPC level'. We conclude that the level concerned with RPC implementation provides three operations: (i) remote call(...) - this is the client half of the program with the semantics discussed earlier; (ii) get work( ) - this corresponds to the repeat loop code of the server; and (iii) send result( , status) - this corresponds to the code concerned with sendingof the results, with status=(OK, unable), where the 'absent' response of send msg(...) and also the repeated occurrence of 'not-done' or 'unable' responses are all mapped onto 'unable' response of send-result. The 'unable' response indicates the inability of the RPC layer to deliver the result to the client (he may or may not have received the result). Thus, the recovery actions of the server are not made a part of the RCP level.

It should be noted that if fault manifestations are rare occurrences and messages are delivered with a high probability then almost always, only two messages are required for RPC (there are no hidden overheads). This is not possible if the transport service is used for message passing (we think that at least eight messages will be needed).

Finally, the treatment of various normal and abnormal responses is summarised in a pictorial form (See Figure 1)

5. Generation of Sequence Numbers

In the previous section it was assumed that a receiver is always in a position to reject unwanted messages; this can be arranged by appropriately assigning sequence numbers (SNs) to messages. The problem of sequence numbering of messages is of a non-trivial complexity if tolerance from node crashes is required. A transport level is designed to cope with these problems and users are not concerned with sequence numbers. There can be three approaches to the generation and assignment of SNs:

There are two ways of generating system wide unique SNs: (i) the circulating token method of LeLann, and (ii) the losely synchronised clock approach of Lamport (as, say, used in SDD-l system). Our current favourite is the second approach. We shall not discuss the details here except to say that message overheads are minimal - every few minutes (10-15 min.) it is necessary for a node to send a message to others telling its current clock value and so forth. The fine details of crash proof storage requirements need to be worked out.

6. Conclusions

We have presented the design of a RPC mechanism that is based on the utilisation of the Cambridge Ring. We are currently refining the design and working on the implementation details (we have taken for granted that this design will be implemented). Our current feeling is that the datagram service will be a slight modification of the BBP software we possess; so real C language programming will be at the RPC level. All of the programming will be standard UNIX application programming - no modifications to the Kernel are required. As far as we can see it, our RPC implementation will not need file accesses, though a few disc accesses cannot be avoided. We think that this represents a good way of exploiting the Ring bandwidth (without kernel level modifications of the UNIX as in CMU proposals).

At a superficial level it would seem that to design a program that provides procedure call abstraction would be a straightforward exercise. Surprisingly this is not so. We have found the problem of the design of the RPC to be extremely intricate. To the best of our ability we have checked that all of the possible normal/abnormal situations eventually map onto the responses of the remote call(...), "get work" and "send result".

Contents Page - 40 years of Computing at Newcastle / Chapter (?) - Distributed Systems
The Design of a Remote Procedure Call Mechanism for Distributed Unix , 13 June 1997